Welcome to Isaac Jewelers
Specializing in luxury jewelry, fine Swiss timepieces, and one of a kind
custom designs, Frank Isaac and Isaac Jewelers have become synonymous as
leaders in quality craftsmanship and customer service. Twenty years of
unrivaled success is a tribute to Mr. Issac’s philosophy of treating
everyone as family. There is nothing more important to all who may serve
you at Isaac Jewelers than exceeding the expectations of everyone who walks
through our always open doors. We like to think of you all as part of the
Isaac Family, and you can trust us to treat you as such.
Jewelry Repair
Custom Isaac Collection
Styled with the most intense and concerning final outcome in mind, Frank
Isaac personally designs and supervises the creations of his “Custom Isaac
Collection.” Diamond bridal originals using hand picked exquisite diamonds
selected directly from Israel, assorted diamond and precious gem fashion
jewelry, and one of kind personally designed customer requests. Truly
*the* collection.
Among collections, it is undoubtedly a major reason why Isaac Jewelers sets
the standards others try to follow.

Why Smart Cut Diamonds?